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Die neue Schönheit

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Sponsor: Aufklärung auf www.zahnimplantat24.at

The new beauty of geom etr y: ANTONI NI intr oduces Sir acusa

Continuing their play on geometry, Antonini builds on these elements as the inspiration for the new 2016 collection, Siracusa. The name Siracusa references the birthplace of Archimedes, a Sicilian city, rich in Greek history from where a great deal of philosophical and mathematical thought is derived.

Antonini Siracusa collection - Die neue Schönheit

Sponsor: Aufklärung auf www.zahnimplantat24.at


The Siracusa collection plays with geometrical shapes such as circles, ellipses and curves intersecting to form crosses and orbits. Distinguished by the clean gold lines each piece is then illuminated with singular rows of bright white diamonds.

The centerpiece of the collection is a large infinity cuff whose design is then translated to rings and earrings. The rings are offered in different sizes, including midi ring options, designed to be worn, on the same finger at different heights or across multiple fingers lending themselves to the popularized layered look.

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The Siracusa collection is available in polished yellow gold with white diamonds or polished white gold with full pave white diamonds for an even brighter version.


ANTONINI jewels are made exclusively in Italy and reflect a powerful bond with the city of Milan, and it’s fashion and jewelry-making traditions. Founded in Milan in 1919, the ANTONINI brand instantly became a “must have” of the Italian aristocracy. In 1989 the third generation of ANTONINI jewelry designers, Sergio Antonini designed a new line of high-end stylish jewelry, reinterpreting the family tradition with reimagined designs. Within a few years ANTONINI won the “Diamond International Award”, the most famous award in the jewel-making industry. Almost 30 years later the undeniable trend-setter, Sergio Antonini, continues to interpret the brand’s history as creative director, designing extraordinary collections and unique pieces. Internationally acclaimed, stars such as Carrie Underwood, Anne Hathaway, Halle Berry, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Alessandra Ambrosio and many more have worn Antonini.


ANTONINI has a showroom in Milan and is available at: www.luisaviaroma.com, Isola Bella (Lago Maggiore) boutique, Cusi Montenapoleone and Portofino, as well as a network of retailers in the US, Canada, Japan, Russia and former Soviet republics.


116236 - Die neue Schönheit

ANTONINI press office
Tel. +39 02 77 12 901
Fax: +39 02 77 12 90 30
Email [email protected]

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Listing ID: 90956c35e0b60742

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